
Admission to the Master's program in Physics (M.Sc.)

Admission requirement and application procedure

Applicants will need:

  • a Bachelor's degree in physics obtained at a German university with a final grade of 3.0 or better


  • an equivalent degree in another program or from another university with a final grade of 3.0 or better.

The criteria for the equivalence of courses with regard to admission to the Master's program in Physics at the University of Wuppertal are defined in §1(5) of the valid Prüfungsordnung für den Master-Studiengang Physik

Das Bewerbungsverfahren ist zweigeteilt:

Die Bewerbung erfolgt zum einen über das Online-Portal des Studierendensekretariats mit den dort geforderten Unterlagen.

Wichtige Informationen für Bewerberinnen und Bewerber mit einem ausländischen Studienabschluss finden Sie hier.

Parallel to this, the application is made via the Central Examination Office of Bergische Universität to the Examination Board for the Master's program in Physics. The following documents must be submitted for this purpose:

  • Applicants with a bachelor's degree in physics obtained at a German university submit the degree certificate.

  • Applicants with another Bachelor's degree or a degree from a foreign university submit the degree certificate and the following additional documents for the examination of the equivalence of their degree by the examination board:

    • Certificate of all acquired credit points (excerpt of the study account) with the names of the corresponding modules in German or English language

    • Module descriptions for all mentioned modules or the module handbook of the study program in each case in German or English language (If necessary, the module handbook can be referred to as a link to the www pages of the university at which the previous degree was obtained).

Die genannten Unterlagen sind (möglichst zusammen mit einer Email-Adresse für den Fall von Rückfragen) an folgende Adresse zu senden:

Central Examination Office
University of Wuppertal
Department 3.4

- for the attention of Mrs. Göke -

Gaussstrasse 20
42119 Wuppertal

On the basis of the documents submitted, the examination board checks the equivalence of the previous degree with the bachelor's degree program in physics at the University of Wuppertal and informs the applicant and the Student Secretariat of the result. In the case of minor deficits in the Bachelor's degree, the committee may grant admission subject to conditions.

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