School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

University of Wuppertal

Welcome to the Department of Physics!

Study physics? This way!

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Welcome to the Department of Physics!

Here you will find information on the

If you are interested in studying physics in Wuppertal, you can find out more here convince yourself!

Pre-course in mathematics for prospective physics students

To make it easier for you to start studying physics, we are offering this semester, we are also offering a preliminary mathematics course for our prospective physics students.  
Period: 16.09. - 04.10. always from 09:00 to 16:00.

The rooms will be announced here at a later date.

We strongly recommend that you attend this preliminary course if you are studying

  • B.Sc. Physics
  • App.Sc. with physics as a subject
  • Combi.B.A. with subject Physics

Further information can be found here!

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Working groups for experimental physics

Working groups for theoretical physics

Imaging and Didactics

Study physics? These are our study programs

Bachelor of applied Science with physics

Computer Simulation in Science (CSiS)

More information and offers


Physics Department
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
University of Wuppertal
Gaussstr. 20
42119 Wuppertal

Division spokesperson:
Prof. Dr. Christian Zeitnitz

Room: D.09.18
Email. zeitnitz[at]
Phone: +49 (0)202-439-3088

Contact for Students

Physics Students Council

Room: G.11.43
Email: fachschaftphysik[at]
Phone: +49 (0)202 439-3538

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